August 2, 2024
Happy Friday!
Here are some things I found interesting, inspiring, and just plain cool this week…

🇺🇸 I’ve been captivated by politics the past few weeks.
As a person, I was horrified (but not surprised) by the racial insults of the former president.
As a biracial woman, I am so freakin’ excited for our future Madam President Kamala Harris to beat the pants off of him! 🗳️
It’s been incredibly ✨ inspiring to see (at least in my little liberal bubble) how the traditional weaponizing race and gender to create divisions have been largely unsuccessful.
And I think there are two really cool things about that:
We have a more diverse population than ever before! More than 33 million Americans self-identify as multiracial.
We are moving to a place where identity is not a liability, but rather a place to draw both joy and strength!
(And yes, I know we aren’t completely there yet)
Anyhoo, it reminds me of how happy I was to see this video a few years ago about VP Harris sharing and basking in the joy of her multiracial heritage…

🌶️ Authenticity is always a hot topic in the food studies realm.
What makes food authentic? And how do you allow for the ever-changing nature of culture?
NYT had an interesting article about how some Mexican taquerias are changing to appeal to more tourists by reducing the spice level. But what is lost?

🍑 It’s peach season in CO and you know that means only one thing! The ‘million dollar wind’!
And no, that’s not something that happens after you eat the peaches. 🍑💨
Apparently Palisade, a particular region in Colorado, has a wind that makes growing peaches perfect!

☕ Have you heard the salacious lore behind the invention of tiramisù?
This week Roberto “Loli” Linguanotto who is widely credited with inventing the delicious coffee- and booze-filled dessert, passed away. (🤯 Can’t believe tiramisù was invented so recently?!)
“One legend has it that it was served at a brothel in Treviso after “the act”, to give an energy boost to customers before returning home to their wives.”

🥞 🐟 🔥 Pancakes, Trout, and Other Campfire Foods!
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